Newsletter of the District of Asia

 Apr - Sep 2002

10th Anniversary Photo Album



Senor Santo Niño

61. "The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you".
A drought hitting the country in December 1997 January 1998 led us to turn to "Senor Santo Niño" for help.
The answer was truly divine:
a multiplicity of events and graces were showered on our apostolate in the Philippines
(as the rest of the photos will show).
Firstly, a 20 cm solid ivory statue was found providentially on the Feast of the Epiphany
and reached our church as we were about to sing the Introit
"Ecce Advenit Dominator -- Behold the Ruler cometh...". .
A public novena was held to pray for rain, and a big procession scheduled on the 9th day.
However, "Senor Santo Niño" couldn't wait the 9 days to make his first public appearance...


processing the Santo Niño around the block

62. ...On the 5th day of the novena, a neighbor's house went on fire and, on the advice of Bishop Lazo,
we processed the Santo Niño around the block walking between dozens of fire trucks
and hundreds of onlookers. The wind changed direction and our priory and church were spared.


angels join in the procession of Santo Nino

63. On January 18 the procession was held (see our January March 2002 Newsletter for more photos )
and 1000 people attended... as well as many angels. And... it did rain 24 hours later!


The Brgy Captain  reads the consecration

64. After the procession of January 18, the campaign for the consecration of Barangays (local district),
Cities, Businesses, etc. was launched, with the consecration of Barangay Mariana, where our church is located. The Brgy Captain is here seen reading the consecration, in front of the Santo Niño
whose mantle is visible on the right.


consecration of Quezon city, by its Mayor

65. Many other consecrations followed such as among others here, that of Quezon city, by its Mayor...


consecration of Rizal Province

66. ...and here, of Rizal Province, by its Governor.


consecration of Department of Trade and Industry

67. Even the Department of Trade and Industry was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart
by its Under Secretary.


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