Pilgrim Virgin Walkers


  1. They need to keep in mind that they walk in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore their behavior must at all times be honorable remembering that Our Lady will be using them as her representatives.

  2. Let the Charity of the Blessed Virgin be their guide. If the good of souls require it, let them not hesitate to stop and teach some catechism, speak some holy words to the on-lookers, explain to the people what they are doing, give scapulars or medals or cards to souls on the way.

  3. Let them not forget that the whole organization and structure of the pilgrimage is at their service so that they may accomplish this charity of Our Lady.

  4. Pilgrim Virgin Walkers should be self-supporting, or have a sponsor, taking care of their own food and personal needs, as well as their own transportation to and from the Pilgrimage.

  5. They may call upon the spiritual director at any time if needs arise. Of course, if they wish, they may consult the SSPX priest of their choice.

  6. If, in the possible event, a chaplain is not available on a Sunday, the TL and the PVWs are dispensed from the attendance of Holy Mass. They should offer their work to Our Lady and know for certain that Our Lord will not hold it against them as sin. After all, all that they are doing is for the glory of God and His Holy Mother.

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